Sunday, April 02, 2006

As usual, I should be sleeping.

hmm. Writer's slump. The ideas come, but the words won't.

4 months already.

The writer's mid-life crisis.
I've become a lot more spatial.

hmm, anyway. Maths test on Tuesday, haven't studied a jot. Same for Geog. Sweet sweet Stacy, the computer is hazardous. Or maybe it's just me. I hate the way what those hypocrites call 'time' control our lives. It's 10.35pm now, according to -cough- my computer clock.

Well, hey WORLD, let's all push back time by one hour! Every single freaking country in the world!
So in Singapore, it'll now be 9.35pm.
Why not.

As long as the whole world does it, hey, so little can go wrong.

Except perhaps all the moon/sun rise/set forecasts etc. will be set back by one hour, stuff like that, course.

Why not?