Wednesday, April 12, 2006

la lingua pura

Screwed up my history and maths tests. Currently organizing my geog file. Swallowing something that's in my throat. As usual, today's hockey wasn't good, but I like trainings. Let's repeat last year's c'div history!

hmm. Working in teams and the like, makes the responsibility all the more greater. Everytime I lose the ball or something I can't help but feel guilty. It's guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty everybody hates me. I know it's not true for the most part, but anyway, homo sapien sapiens are unpredictable.

Angels and Demons. Finished it late last night.
Maybe it's just me, but the ending wasn't satisfying. Give us something new, Dan Brown. You won't impress readers anymore with bits of juicy information coming in hordes. You've overdone it. The twist at the end, didn't your mama ever tell you that you shouldn't re-do what's already been done?

Like finding out who your long-lost father is. Ha.

Sure, it was pretty nice, but that's that nagging chant of clicheclichecliche.

Robert Langdon. Mr. Brown, you used the same tactic in The Da Vinci Code. Cheater.

Dan Brown seems to like intelligent, 'exotic' women, the Italian and the French. They start off as Langdon's sidekick, like his personal translator, and then the two fall in love.


Didn't his mama tell him never to do that?

that aside, it was good. Better than anything I can ever do, anyway.

It's time to turn back to my neglected geog file.


I'm back.
I'm back.
Stasya's back.

I used to call myself stasya.
still do, in fact.
just not so often.

You see, my name's a variant of Stacey, which is a variant of Eustace or Anastasia. And Stasya is the nickname form of Anastasia.

I'm proud, I've filed my geog file so efficiently. I've even included a newspaper article that caught my eye a few days ago! Even though one isn't required!

to be honest, I'd do anything to pull up my absymal geog grade.
So, why not, I think.
We've gotta take the initiative. :D
I shall be a model geog student.

Until Mrs. Sherwood comes back.

When one domino falls, so do the rest. Provided they're aligned together.

Unfortunately not all rise.

The Corrs rock. They do so. Shut up.


Trudi Canavan, I would've expected better. :/

But she is a pretty new writer on the scene, only about 3 years or so.
Is that an excuse?
well. Depends.