Sunday, April 23, 2006

oh, wow. She's so candid.

I'm middle-aged at thirteen, fifteen.
Let's all skip school tomorrow!
Routines suck all the life outta life.

Robyn's having her DEP interview either now, or soon... oh. It's 1.04pm now.
Bonne chance robyn. Hope they don't drill you too hard.

Unlike me, who got my sorry ass in MEP.
I've even got an MEP exam tomorrow.

she turns on tv
guess who she sees
sk8er boy rocking up mtv
she calls up her friends
they already know

I actually like that song.
Previously I thought it was just some annoying juvenile rant.

Rock on, Avril.

and this is just so pretty:

Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball

and my sister is uber annoying, par normalement.

A propos, I shall fail my French test.
wait, no, I don't think so.
I won't score well - but i'll almost certainly pass.

I hope.

Hope, whose whisper would have given
Balm to all my frenzied pain
Spread her wings and flew to heaven
Fled, and ne'er returned again.
Emily Bronte. Last stanza of her really nice poem, Hope.

Hope is a form of self-deception, but in this case, deception can be good.