Monday, April 24, 2006

N'est pas bon.
Our lit play wasn't good. Stumbled over some lines, had to continuously prompt Macbeth, had some in-between breaks to retrieve a forgotten prop, every play's nightmare. The radio conked out. And Liuyi/erin/peihwa/kerina, sorry if I got too overbearing at some point. I tend to... err, voluntarily put myself in charge when I think things aren't going too well. Unless someone else's already in charge.
So many things were impromptu. Bajeebus, f'only Kerina could've come for our rehearsals.
But nevermind. It's already over. :)

I didn't do well.

We ran during PE. After which we had height/weight taking sessions.
Apparently I've lost weight, gotten shorter, and run slower than I did last year.

on a sidenote, I don't really mind being short.

Tall people are evil. :/
oh, I just realized I've insulted-
um. Basically all the guys I know.
and Robyn, who has left for the world of height160+ people, abandoning me on the island of shorthood.

Dear Paula,
I hope things get better b'tween you and your mum and your sis.
Drink lots of green tea and ribena.
Do well for your 2.4, your five items, your exams. The only one who needs to reap pride from your efforts is yourself. GO PAULA GO PAULA GO PAULA GO PAULA GO PAULA GO PAULA GO PAULA GO PAULA! Cheetah! hahah. XD
okay, I'm gonna print this out and put it in your letterbox. -lurks-
and don't grow up so fast 'kay. Because the world needs more kids like us.
you can cry if you want to. B'cos that's what everyone should do yeah!
thanks for the notebook, all the little stuffs.
After your exams, we shall cycle somewhere!
we'll play badminton for three hours straight like we used to do.
we'll do the monkey bars till our old calluses can be seen again.
we'll go on the swing and as usual, you'll be able to swing higher than me. Remember right? Remember which swings we always take? The ones at conway?
we'll take zuess for a walk! we'll go visit robyn's rabbit. :)
and we'll remember Perse (two of them, mine and yours), Chubby and Cupid, and Peggy, and Ashley, and Fortune, and Sirius (remember my tiny black rabbit? he's still buried in my garden), and Snowball and Jelly and Cuddles, and my very first dog Celia, and my very first kitten, well, Kitty.
we'll go fishing in the drain, hahah. Even though there aren't many fish left.
we'll go visit our old kindergarten! Remember Mdm Loo?
I remember our old stints. We used to be such extroverted tomboys, cycling past the guys in our neighbourhood and teasing them stuff like 'peeping tom, peeping tom'. Although we didn't really know what that meant back then. XD
we were practically at war with the guys in the oval dais.
haha, now my attitude's kind of changed towards guys, but you still dislike them - as usual. I think? hmm. Well. Rock on, Paula. :)


man, I'm getting nostalgic. For hockey today my face turned red, which is rather surprising because it never turns red. It usually turns... white. Ashen.
BUT a-nyway.

Science and maths test on the same day, I just realized. :/