Friday, April 07, 2006

What the fuck is wrong with Singapore.

They were playing Where'd You Go on radio just now, 98.7, and they'd censored out all the big bad dangerous words like 'shit' and 'fuck'.

All those paranoid parents, slow down, take a look at your kids, a swear word or two won't harm your precious babies.

but of course, because I use the word 'fuck' without censoring at least the last three letters, I am a rude, uncouth, ill-disciplined good-for-nothing who probably fails all her subjects at school.

Just shut up already.

or has the censor thing been there all the while? mmphr. Shall find out.

and naturally, the use of swear words instantly turns one into a potential gangster.
well, surprise surprise, everyone's a potential gangster.
Don't hold too much faith in non-swearers.
Don't doubt the unpredictability of human nature.
And stop discriminating against swear words.

NINEEIGHTSEVEN why did you have to succumb!
My respect for this radio station just went down one notch.
As in, you know, the people who implemented this censor thing.

no wait, the one I should be blaming is...

shucks, I don't know who to blame.

ooh, I just used the word 'shucks'.
What a bad, rude girl I am.